You are about to create unique permissions for this document library. Changes made to the parent site permissions will no longer affect this document library.
You are about to change the default {p1}{k} to {p2}{k}. Do you want this change to affect all new documents based on the ...
You are about to change the signing certificate for the Security Token Service. Changing the certificate to an invalid, inaccessible ...
You are about to change the SSL certificate for all service applications in this farm. Changing the certificate to an invalid, ...
You are about to create custom groups and custom permissions for this site. Changes to the parent groups and permissions ...
You are about to create unique permissions for this document library. Changes made to the parent site permissions will no ...
You are about to create unique permissions for this document. Changes made to the parent folder or document library permissions ...
You are about to create unique permissions for this document. Changes made to the parent folder or document library permissions ...
You are about to create unique permissions for this file. Changes made to parent permissions will no longer affect this file. ...
You are about to create unique permissions for this folder. Changes made to the parent folder or document library permissions ...