Windows cannot install package %1 because this package declares mismatched Windows versions. The requested mininimum and maximum version tested must be identical. The package requested Windows version %2.%3 with AppModel version %4, with the max tested Windows version is %5.%6 with AppModel version %7.
Windows cannot install package %1 because a different package %2 with the same name is already installed. Remove package ...
Windows cannot install package %1 because it depends on another package with the same name. Ensure that the package has a ...
Windows cannot install package %1 because package %2 was provided but not used. This could be because package %1 does not ...
Windows cannot install package %1 because this package declares invalid Windows versions. The package requested Windows version ...
Windows cannot install package %1 because this package declares mismatched Windows versions. The requested mininimum and ...
Windows cannot install package %1 because this package depends on another package that could not be found. This package requires ...
Windows cannot install package %1 because this package depends on another package that couldn't be found. This package requires ...
Windows cannot install package %1 because this package requires a higher Windows version. The package requested Windows version ...
Windows cannot install package %1, because this operating system only supports apps built using the Windows 10 and greater ...