DESCRIPTION: Modifies a service entry in the registry and Service Database. USAGE: scconfig [service name] ... OPTIONS: NOTE: The option name includes the equal sign. A space is required between the equal sign and the value. type= start= error= binPath= group= tag= depend= obj= DisplayName= password=
DESCRIPTION: Indicates whether the last boot should be saved as the last-known-good boot configuration on the local machine. ...
DESCRIPTION: Insite can be used to ensure that clients access only those replicas that are in the same site as the client. ...
DESCRIPTION: Makes the specified target of dfs namespace or dfs link as the active target on the local machine. %1!ws! PARAMETERS: ...
DESCRIPTION: Manages DFS Namespaces, servers and clients. NOTES: Use the Dfsutil /oldcli command to use of the original Dfsutil ...
DESCRIPTION: Modifies a service entry in the registry and Service Database. USAGE: sc config service name . OPTIONS: NOTE: ...
Description: Modifies an existing site link in the directory. The are two variations of this command. The first variation ...
Description: Modifies an exsting sitelink bridge in the directory. The are two variations of this command. The first variation ...
Description: Modifies attributes of one or more existing quota specifications in the directory. A quota specification determines ...
DESCRIPTION: Modifies or displays the registry key DfsDnsConfig in the server. %1!ws! PARAMETERS: : The server whose registry ...