If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis of a type cast expression. If unchecked, spaces are removed.
If an overload exists that takes a CultureInfo argument, it should always be called in favor of an overload that does not. ...
If an overload exists that takes a StringComparison argument, it should always be called in favor of an overload that does ...
If an overload exists that takes an IFormatProvider argument, it should always be called in favor of an overload that does ...
If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis for statements such as "if", "for", ...
If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis of a type cast expression. If unchecked, ...
If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis of an expression. If unchecked, ...
If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis of the argument list. If unchecked, ...
If checked, a space is added after the open square bracket and before the close square bracket. If unchecked, spaces are ...
If checked, a space is added between the closing parenthesis of a type cast and the expression being casted. If unchecked, ...