Columns AutoSize mode cannot be set to Fill because at least one visible column would inherit this AutoSize mode and is frozen.
Column and row spanning: If you want a control to span multiple rows or columns, set the RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties ...
Column and row spanning: If you want a control to span multiple rows or columns, set the RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties ...
Column {0} is used in a Not Null condition but it is mapped to a property {1} which is nullable. Consider making this property ...
Columns AutoSize mode cannot be based exclusively on the headers because the column headers are invisible and at least one ...
Columns AutoSize mode cannot be set to Fill because at least one visible column would inherit this AutoSize mode and is frozen. ...
COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used. The COM object was released while it was still ...
COM Reference '{0}' is the interop assembly for ActiveX control '{1}' but was marked to be linked by the compiler with the ...
COM register method has an invalid signature (method: '%hs'; type: '%hs'). The COM register method must have a single string ...
COM+: A method call failed.%r From: %1%r App ID: %2%r CLSID: %3%r IID: %4%r Action: %5%r Surrogate: %6%r Instance ID: %7%r ...