Verify that a supported version of Windows PowerShell is installed. For more information about the versions of PowerShell that are supported with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, go to If PowerShell is already installed, verify the version. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows PowerShell and type Get-Host. Also, verify the execution policy for running scripts. Type Get-ExecutionPolicy -List, and make sure that MachinePolicy and UserPolicy are set to either undefined or RemoteSigned. You can change these policies via Group Policy settings. You can install Windows PowerShell 3.0 from
Verify and print the allocation source and targets that are defined in the Cost Allocation window for controlling purposes. ...
Verify that a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is installed. For more information about which ...
Verify that a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is installed. For more information about which ...
Verify that a supported version of Windows PowerShell is installed. For more information about the versions of PowerShell ...
Verify that a supported version of Windows PowerShell is installed. For more information about the versions of PowerShell ...
Verify that a supported version of Windows PowerShell is installed. For more information about the versions of PowerShell ...
Verify that a supported version of Windows PowerShell is installed. For more information about the versions of PowerShell ...
Verify that a supported version of Windows PowerShell is installed. In Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista, install Windows ...
Verify that a supported version of Windows PowerShell is installed. Install Windows PowerShell 3.0 from the http://go.mi ...