You are shutting down this computer while there are other users still using it. Those users may lose data. Do you want to continue?
You are running an out-of-date version of Adobe Reader. Adobe strongly recommends that you update this version to resolve ...
You are saving a multi-page picture in a single page format. If you continue, only the current page will be saved in the ...
You are setting a deny permissions entry. Deny entries take precedence over allow entries. This means that if a user is a ...
You are sharing %1 as %2. Others may be using files in this folder. If you delete the folder, it will no longer be shared. ...
You are shutting down this computer while there are other users still using it. Those users may lose data. Do you want to ...
You are using Kerberos authentication option for live migration which requires setting up credential delegation. The access ...
You are viewing a feed that contains frequently updated content. When you subscribe to a feed, it is added to the Common ...
You can 'cycle through' each item on a cover page until you select the one you want. To do this, click an item, and then ...
You can add hard drives and CD/DVD drives to your SCSI controller or remove the SCSI controller from the virtual machine. ...