Unable to edit '%1'. The style sheet must be part of the current project and the project must be a Web Site or Web Application project.
Unable to create the virtual directory '%1'. The alias is not unique or there is already a Web site in the local IIS Web ...
Unable to detect if the .Net 3.5 Framework is installed. Web Access requires the .Net 3.5 Framework, it will not function ...
Unable to determine from build name {0} the correctly mapped build identifier since it is mapped to multiple build identifiers ...
Unable to determine the workspace. You may be able to correct this by running 'tf workspaces /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl'. ...
Unable to edit '%1'. The style sheet must be part of the current project and the project must be a Web Site or Web Application ...
Unable to establish an encrypted connection with the server because the server's SSL certificate is either invalid or issued ...
Unable to establish an encrypted connection with the server, because the server's SSL certificate is either invalid, or issued ...
Unable to fetch the list of host groups bound to this project's team project collection. Failure occurred with error '{0}' ...
Unable to fetch the list of library shares bound to this project's team project collection. Failure occurred with error '{0}' ...