You can't synchronize mail on your mobile device because an application on the service has stopped responding. {0}Device access state: {1}.{0}Device access state reason: {2}.{0}{0}Contact your Office 365 administrator to see whether a service incident has been logged.{0}Click on the below links to learn more.{0}{3}{0}{4}{0}{5}
You can't switch plans because you recently switched from an %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% Small Business or %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% ...
You can't switch plans using the Switch plans wizard because you have more than one %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% Small Business ...
You can't switch subscriptions now because you have more users than licenses. Please remove licenses from users who are no ...
You can't switch subscriptions right now because this subscription isn't fully set up or the service isn't available. To ...
You can't synchronize mail on your mobile device because an application on the service has stopped responding. {0}Device ...
You can't synchronize mail on your mobile device because your device is repeatedly exceeding throttling limits.{0}Device ...
You can't synchronize mail on your mobile device because your device is syncing too frequently. {0}Device access state: {1}.{0}Device ...
You can't synchronize mail on your mobile device because your device keeps changing the user agent information.{0}Device ...
You can't synchronize mail on your mobile device due to your device access state. {0}Device access state: {1}.{0}Device access ...