Windows cannot sync the file because a file with the same name already exists on the device. Change the file name or try to sync the file to a different folder.
Windows cannot start the RemoteApp program. The following RemoteApp program is not in the list of authorized programs: %s ...
Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged.%s ...
Windows cannot store Bluetooth authentication codes (link keys) on the local adapter. Bluetooth keyboards might not work ...
Windows cannot sync content streamed directly from the Internet. If possible, download the file to your computer, and then ...
Windows cannot sync the file because a file with the same name already exists on the device. Change the file name or try ...
Windows cannot sync the file because the content provider or device prohibits it. You might be able to resolve this problem ...
Windows cannot sync the file because the device is not responding. This typically occurs when there is a problem with the ...
Windows cannot sync the file because the sync rights have expired. Go to the content provider's online store to get new sync ...
Windows cannot sync the file to your device. The file might be stored in a location that is not supported. Copy the file ...