Usage 1: {0} connections DfsrAdmin {1} {0} /{3}:ALL or - List one or more attributes from the list below: {4} - Name of the ...

Usage 1: {0} connections
  DfsrAdmin {1} {0} 
    [/{3}:ALL or ] -- List one or more attributes 
      from the list below:
        {4} -- Name of the connection's sending member        
        {5} -- Site of the connection's sending member
        {6} -- Name of the connection's receiving member
        {7} -- Site of the connection's receiving member
        {8} -- Specifies whether the connection is enabled
        {9} -- Replication hours per week
        {12} -- Type of connection ({10} or {11})
        {13} -- Type of schedule ({14} or {15})
        {16} -- Maximum replication bandwidth
        {17} -- Specifies whether RDC is enabled on this connection
        {18} -- Minimum file size for which RDC is used
        {19} -- Connection keywords
        {20} -- Connection GUID
        {21} -- Specifies whether the receiving member 
          interprets the schedule to be in local time (true) or UTC (false)
        {22} -- State of the connection object

  Type 'DfsrAdmin {1} /?' for addressing attributes