Forwarder unsuccessfully tried to connect to the following collector(s): %1 If the list of collectors is blank, then AdtAgent was unable to locate a collector. Common reasons for this message are: The machine(s) listed is not online AdtServer is not running on the machine(s) listed AdtServer on the machine(s) listed is not listening on the specified port TCP connectivity to the AdtServer machine is blocked by firewall, IPSec, or other filtering mechanism AdtServer on the machine(s) listed actively refused the connection (due to policy or current activity load) For detailed failure information, enable trace logging using the TraceFlags registry key and examine the AdtAgent.log in the emp subdirectory of the Windows directory.
Forced to terminate the following workflow because it ran past the configured timeout of %7 seconds. Start Time: %6 WF Workflow ...
Format this disk with the NTFS file system, or install System Center 2012 - Operations Manager on an NTFS disk on another ...
Forms authentication method will enable users to connect through the Internet. The user will need to specify a username and ...
Forward alerts and alert updates that meet these criteria. Items checked within a list are OR'd together. The lists are AND'd ...
Forwarder unsuccessfully tried to connect to the following collector(s): %1 If the list of collectors is blank, then AdtAgent ...
Forwarder unsuccessfully tried to connect to the following collector(s): %1 If the list of collectors is blank, then AdtAgent ...
Frequent state change requests caused the incoming state change request to be dropped due to it being older than currently ...
Frequent state change requests caused the incoming state change request to be dropped due to it being older than the currently ...
From the list below, select the subscription to which you want to add notifications. You can select a disabled subscription; ...