You have reached server named: %ws If this is the correct server, click OK to connect and you will not see this message again. Click CANCEL to drop the connection.
You have not successfully activated this product, or the current license is incompatible with the existing operating system. ...
You have not typed a PIN, or the PIN does not meet the minimum requirements. Type a PIN between %d and %d characters in both ...
You have not typed a pre-shared key, or the pre-shared key does not meet the length requirements. Type a pre-shared key between ...
You have provided all of the required properties. You can also specify advanced properties in the following categories. To ...
You have reached server named: %ws If this is the correct server, click OK to connect and you will not see this message again. ...
You have reached server named: %ws The Root Certification Authority for the server's certificate is: %ws If this is the correct ...
You have received a "cookie" (Internet information stored on your computer) from %1 The contents are: %2 It expires on %3 ...
You have requested a change that may violate the license agreement. The license for this product only allows for a one-time ...
You have requested an encoding type for this document that is not currently available. Please ensure all supplemental files ...