Microsoft SQL Server Service Broker External Activator. The following commandline options are supported: /? | /help Displays this help page. /delete /notificationServiceID:Deletes encrypted User Id and Password portions of the .NET SQL connection string for notification service of id= in the EASecret.xml file /encrypt /notificationServiceID: /userID: Encrypts the User Id and Password portions of a .NET SQL connection string.The encrypted information is written to the local computer's EASecret.xml file. If a record with the given notification service id already exists, it will be overwritten. Otherwise a new record will be created. When the External Acticator service starts execution the final connection string will consist of both the encrypted User Id and Password, as well as the unencrypted part of the connection string that have been configured in the EAService.config file.
Microsoft SQL Server could not save the information to synchronize the subscription through a Web server to the registry. ...
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to access replication components because replication is not installed on ...
Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered one or more errors retrieving the list of errors. The list of errors may not ...
Microsoft SQL Server Replication encountered the following error while validating the subscription properties for '%1'. You ...
Microsoft SQL Server Service Broker External Activator. The following commandline options are supported: /? | /help Displays ...
Microsoft SSIS Service configuration file is incorrect. Error reading config file: %1 Loading server with default settings. ...
Microsoft SSIS Service: Registry setting specifying configuration file does not exist. Attempting to load default config ...
Microsoft SSIS Service: stopping running package. Package instance ID: %1 Package ID: %2 Package name: %3 Package description: ...
Microsoft StreamInsight doesn't support a stream with event type of '{0}', a valid stream event type needs to be a struct ...