Cannot validate the time interval for restore point creation. It failed to retrieve the last restore point with the following error message: {0}.
Cannot use ' to invoke in the context of binary module '{0}'. Specify a non-binary module after the '&' and try the operation ...
Cannot use ' to invoke in the context of module '{0}' because it is not imported. Import the module '{0}' and try the operation ...
Cannot use the specified Window X (column) position because it extends past the width of the screen buffer. Specify another ...
Cannot use the specified Window Y (row) position because it extends past the height of the screen buffer. Specify another ...
Cannot validate the time interval for restore point creation. It failed to retrieve the last restore point with the following ...
Cannot verify path is a network location. If this package is not available from a network share, clients will not be able ...
Cannot write to file %s. Please make sure the file is not in use by another application and that you have sufficient permissions ...
Cannot write to the specified expiration directory. Confirm that the permissions of the expiration directory grant Write ...
Capabilities and management of an uninterruptible power supply. The properties of the UPS device indicate when incoming power ...