Unable to find the specified virtual switch extension virtual port profile. The virtual switch extension virtual port profile may have been deleted.
Unable to find the specified virtual switch extension manager. The virtual switch extension manager may have been deleted. ...
Unable to find the specified virtual switch extension switch feature config. The virtual switch extension switch feature ...
Unable to find the specified virtual switch extension switch feature property config. The virtual switch extension switch ...
Unable to find the specified virtual switch extension uplink port profile. The virtual switch extension uplink port profile ...
Unable to find the specified virtual switch extension virtual port profile. The virtual switch extension virtual port profile ...
Unable to find the virtual network adapter with ID (%Value;). The virtual network adapter ID may be incorrect, or the virtual ...
Unable to import %ParentFileName; because one of its dependent files, %FileName;, is already being managed as a standalone ...
Unable to import the checkpoint because no associated virtual machine could be imported. Checkpoint file name: %FileName; ...
Unable to import the SRS authenication certificate used for System Center Datacenter Recovery services into the certificate ...