If you rename this folder, the associated HTML file '%3!ls!' might not work properly. To rename the folder without damaging any files, open '%3!ls!', save it with a new name, and then delete the folder '%1!ls!'. Do you want to rename this folder anyway?
If you remove the developer license from this computer, some apps will stop working. Are you sure that you want to remove ...
If you remove the permissions, everyone will be able to read, copy, print, and sign this document. If this document contains ...
If you remove this network from the list you will no longer be able to connect to it automatically. Do you wish to proceed? ...
If you rename this file, it will no longer belong to the folder '%3!ls!'. To rename it safely, open the file, save it with ...
If you rename this folder, the associated HTML file '%3!ls!' might not work properly. To rename the folder without damaging ...
If you resume a process suspended by someone else, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue? ...
If you resume processes suspended by someone else, it might result in system instability. Are you sure you want to continue? ...
If you roll back the Windows Media Format Runtime to the previous version that was on your computer, other programs that ...
If you roll back to a previous version of the Windows Media Format Runtime, media usage rights for your protected files will ...