Usage: exportpolicy [ file = ]Exports all the policies to a file. Parameters: Tag Value name -Name of the file into which the policies are exported. Remarks: .ipsec extension is by default added to the filename. Examples: exportpolicy Policy1
Usage: evntcmd options filename options options: -?,-h usage help; -s sysname target 'sysname' for configuration; -v number ...
Usage: export Remarks: - Exports the current policy to the specified file. Example: netsh advfirewall export "c:\advfirewallpolicy.wfw ...
Usage: export Remarks: - Exports the current policy to the specified file. Example: netsh advfirewall export "c:\advfirewallpolicy.wfw" ...
Usage: exportkey outputfile= passphrase]= Parameters: Tag Value outputfile - The directory path and name of the file to which ...
Usage: exportpolicy file = Exports all the policies to a file. Parameters: Tag Value name -Name of the file into which the ...
Usage: EXTEND LUN {SIZE= DRIVES= , ,. | DRIVES= , ,.]} NOERR Extends the size of the currently selected LUN. SIZE= Specifies ...
Usage: filter filterlist = srcaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) dstaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 ...
Usage: filter filterlist = srcaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) dstaddr = (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 ...
Usage: filteraction name = description = qmpfs = (yes | no) inpass = (yes | no) soft = (yes | no) action = (permit | block ...