Adjust the z-index to bring forward or send backward the selected tag or element.The higher number, the further forward the selection appears.
Add, move, or delete connection points on shapes.Hold the Ctrl key and click where you want to add, move, or delete a connection ...
Add-InsSpecifies which add-ins are available automatically when you start the program. You can load or unload add-ins that ...
Adds, modifies, or removes the fill color or fill effect from the selected object. Fill effects include gradient, texture, ...
Adjust the report layout.The compact form optimizes for readability, while the tabular and outline forms include field headers. ...
Adjust the z-index to bring forward or send backward the selected tag or element.The higher number, the further forward the ...
Advanced FilterFilters data in a list so that only the rows that meet a condition you specify by using a criteria range are ...
After removing all data outside of the row and column limit of the selected file format, this workbook may still contain ...
After removing all data outside of the row and column limit of the selected file format, this workbook may still contain ...
Align Left (Formatting toolbar)Aligns the selected text, numbers, or inline objects to the left with a ragged right edge. ...