Publisher cannot change pages. Clicking on the page number allows you to go to different pages in your publication, but your publication has only one page. To insert more pages, click Page on the Insert menu.
Publisher cannot add rows or columns to the selected table because the table would exceed the maximum of 128 rows and 128 ...
Publisher cannot add this OLE object to the Design Gallery because the OLE source program is busy. The program may be showing ...
Publisher cannot add this word because the user dictionary is full. To add this word to the user dictionary, delete some ...
Publisher cannot apply a background because a special paper is currently applied. To apply a background, you must first remove ...
Publisher cannot change pages. Clicking on the page number allows you to go to different pages in your publication, but your ...
Publisher cannot communicate with the scanner software. You may need an updated version of the scanner software. To obtain ...
Publisher cannot complete the action while Word Story Editing is being used. You are using (!idspnWord_NV) to edit a text ...
Publisher cannot complete the merge because the catalog merge area has been dragged off of the page. Drag the merge area ...
Publisher cannot complete this action with the filter and sort options you have entered. You may have accidentally typed ...