Ensure that exactly one of the virtual disk of the template is marked as 'Contains an operating system', and then try again.
Ensure that all virtual machine configurations in the tier target a common host group with appropriate load balancer connectivity ...
Ensure that all virtual network adapter configurations and load balancer configurations have IP address settings correctly ...
Ensure that all virtual network adapter configurations have MAC address settings correctly specified, and then try again. ...
Ensure that Analysis Management Objects (AMO) is installed on the VMM management server. If you are using SQL Server 2008 ...
Ensure that exactly one of the virtual disk of the template is marked as 'Contains an operating system', and then try again. ...
Ensure that host %VMHostName; has access to storage array %ArrayName; by zoning property for fibre channel or logging into ...
Ensure that importing multiple resources was the intent. If this occurred during Service template import, check the Imported ...
Ensure that no application on computer %ServerName; listens for HTTP traffic on TCP port %TCPPort; during the P2V conversion. ...
Ensure that none of the virtual machine instances in the service tier are in failed states and that the number of virtual ...