Set up cost accounting budgets that are created based on cost types just as a budget for the general ledger is created based on general ledger accounts. A cost budget is created for a certain period of time, for example, a fiscal year. You can create as many cost budgets as needed. You can create a new cost budget manually, or by importing a cost budget, or by copying an existing cost budget as the budget base.
Set up business relations, configure sales cycles, campaigns, and interactions, and define codes for various marketing communication. ...
Set up codes for your different types of business transactions, so that you can track the source of the transactions in an ...
Set up combinations of general business and general product posting groups by specifying account numbers for posting of sales ...
Set up core functionality such as sales tax, sending documents as email, and approval workflow by running through a few pages ...
Set up cost accounting budgets that are created based on cost types just as a budget for the general ledger is created based ...
Set up cost objects, which are products, product groups, or services of a company. These are the finished goods of a company ...
Set up data export record sources to be able to export digital audit data. For each data export type, you must define one ...
Set up debit and credit accounts that are inserted on purchase credit memo lines by default, for example, when the product ...
Set up different asset subclasses, such as Plant and Property and Machinery and Equipment, that you can assign to fixed assets ...