You have marked this task as depending on another task which appears later in the methodology. This may be confusing for users. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
You have location directives which are inefficiently configured: %1 Fixed locations are defined so the pick location directives ...
You have location directives which are inefficiently configured: %1 Fixed product variant locations are defined so the pick ...
You have location directives which are inefficiently configured: %1 Pick location directives for sales orders and transfer ...
You have made changes to a workflow and will save a new version of it. Do you want to activate the new version and deactivate ...
You have marked this task as depending on another task which appears later in the methodology. This may be confusing for ...
You have modified %1.\Do you want to update the segment lines with the same Interaction Template Code and Language Code? ...
You have modified one or more XML values on this page. If you change your query to Design New at this point, your changes ...
You have modified the %1 field. Note that the recalculation of VAT may cause penny differences, so you must check the amounts ...
You have modified the %1 field. Note that the recalculation of VAT may cause penny differences, so you must check the amounts ...