Starts event notification for asynchronously reading messages in the specified queue, firing an MSMQEvent_Arrived event when a message is found or arrives at the position specified by the optional Cursor parameter and firing an MSMQEvent_ArrivedError if an error is generated while the application waits for a message.
StartMode is a string value indicating whether the Service is automatically started by a System, Operating System, etc. or ...
Starts a new instance of the Windows command interpreter CMD /A | /U /Q /D /E:ON | /E:OFF /F:ON | /F:OFF /V:ON | /V:OFF /S ...
Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command. START "title" /D path /I /MIN /MAX /SEPARATE | /SHARED /LOW ...
Starts all Internet services. To start individual Internet services, use the Computer Management application in the Microsoft ...
Starts event notification for asynchronously reading messages in the specified queue, firing an MSMQEvent_Arrived event when ...
Starts replication of a replicated folder on this cluster node. The use of this method is reserved exclusively for use by ...
Starts the specified application pool, allowing new worker processes running the applications in this application pool to ...
Starts the specified virtual site and enables it to begin listening for new requests on all of its binding endpoints. The ...
Starts Windows System Resource Manager management. wsrmc /Start /DefMgmt /DefMgmt Starts Windows System Resource Manager ...