The event source sent an event packet whose header could not be processed by the client. This can happen if it was malformed or if the header had a mustUnderstand attribute that could not be understood by the client.
The event message as it appears in the NT Eventlog. This is a standard message with zero or more insertion strings supplied ...
The event remover for event %1 in type %2 in metadata file %3 has invalid parameters. Event removers must have a single parameter ...
The event source cannot process the specified filter. Change the filter or remove it from the request and try the request ...
The event source did not return events within the heartbeat interval. The subscription session was closed. Start a new subscription. ...
The event source sent an event packet whose header could not be processed by the client. This can happen if it was malformed ...
The event source was unable to deliver events to the client.This can happen due to network issues preventing the source from ...
The event-to-trap settings are locked. This usually happens when another application either terminated unexpectedly or it ...
The EventCharacter specifies the value of the control character that is used to signal an event, such as end of file. Example: ...
The EventSystem sub system is suppressing duplicate event log entries for a duration of %1 seconds. The suppression timeout ...