When recording a greeting for this call answering rule, you should also include the list of actions callers can select. For example, press 1 to find me or press the pound key to leave a voice message. Please record your greeting after the tone. When you have finished recording, press the pound key.
When Instant Messaging is enabled, users have access to Instant Messaging functionality such as the ability to send and receive ...
When making a request as an account that does not have a mailbox, you must specify the mailbox primary SMTP address for any ...
When making a request with an account that does not have a mailbox, you must specify the primary SMTP address for an existing ...
When processing folder {0}, the parent managed folder with ID {1} could not be found. The mailbox will not be processed. ...
When recording a greeting for this call answering rule, you should also include the list of actions callers can select. For ...
When remote powershell session is created for the first time, then the session is cached locally at %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Exchange\RemotePowerShell, ...
When remote powershell session is created for the first time, then the session is cached locally at %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Exchange\RemotePowerShell, ...
When running this command inside your Exchange organization, you must use the FileData parameter. This parameter can be specified ...
When running this command on an Edge Transport server, use the FileName parameter to specify the path to save the exported ...