There was a problem communicating with the Group Pickup backend database. There were problems accessing SQL server: Connection: %1 Message: %2 Error code: %3 Error number: %4 Cause: This may be caused by connectivity issues with the backend database. Resolution: Check if SQL backend is running and accepts connections from Group Pickup.
There is not enough disk space on the volume '[2]' to continue the install with recovery enabled. 3 KB are required, but ...
There may have been a connection error, you or the organizer may not be configured to use this functionality, or the system ...
There might a replay attack on a particular user. User %1 is attempting to send data that was in request sent by user %2 ...
There was a permissions problem trying to access or create the organizational unit for the new contact. Make sure you are ...
There was a problem communicating with the Group Pickup backend database. There were problems accessing SQL server: Connection: ...
There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation.{ Folder: 3]. System error code: ...
There was an error in loading music on hold media file. Exception: %1 Cause: Corrupt media file. Resolution: Verify the original ...
There was an error initializing collaboration platform. %1 Cause: Conferencing Announcement Service has not been installed ...
There was an error initializing collaboration platform. %1 Cause: Conferencing Attendant has not been installed properly ...