SQLOLEDB command object unavailable. Please provide a command object or switch the connection method to use a connection string.
SqlHierarchyId.GetDescendant failed because 'child1' must be less than 'child2'. 'child1' was '{0}' and 'child2' was '{1}'. ...
SqlHierarchyId.GetReparentedValue failed because 'oldRoot' was not an ancestor node of 'this'. 'oldRoot' was '{0}', and 'this' ...
SqlHierarchyId.Parse failed because the input string '{0}' is not a valid string representation of a SqlHierarchyId node. ...
Sqllib error: Database %1 of SQL Server instance %2 is stored on multiple volumes, only some of which are being shadowed. ...
SQLOLEDB command object unavailable. Please provide a command object or switch the connection method to use a connection ...
SQLOLEDB is no longer a supported provider. Please use SQL Native Client (SQLNCLI) to connect to SQL Server using linked ...
sqlps -NoLogo -NoExit -NoProfile -OutputFormat {Text | XML} -InputFormat {Text | XML} -Command { - | | -args } -Help | -? ...
sqlQuery - String that contains query to be executed. returnType - Specifies the return type of data returned by the SQL ...
sqlQuery - String that represents the query to be run. returnType - Specifies the return type of data that is returned by ...