SQL Server Snapshot Agent Utility Options - PUBLICATION - /Publication /ReplicationType 1 - Transactional,Snapshot(default), ...

                    SQL Server Snapshot Agent Utility Options

                            - PUBLICATION  -

/Publication <...>
/ReplicationType <1|2>                1 - Transactional,Snapshot(default), 
                                      2 - Merge

                            - PUBLISHER CONNECTIVITY -

/Publisher <...>
/PublisherDB <...>
/PublisherSecurityMode <0|1>          0 - Standard(default), 1 - Integrated
/PublisherLogin <...>
/PublisherPassword <...>
/PublisherFailoverPartner <...>  Optional parameter that specifies the Failover Partner for the Publisher Database

                            - DISTRIBUTOR CONNECTIVITY-

/Distributor <...>
/DistributorSecurityMode <0|1>        0 - Standard(default), 1 - Integrated
/DistributorLogin <...>
/DistributorPassword <...>

                            - MERGE SNAPSHOT GENERATION -


                            - MERGE DYNAMIC SNAPSHOT GENERATION -

/DynamicSnapshotLocation <...>
/DynamicFilterLogin <...>
/DynamicFilterHostName <...>
/StartQueueTimeout                 default 0 (unbounded wait)

                            - DIAGNOSTICS -

/HistoryVerboseLevel <0|1|2|3>        default 2
/OutputVerboseLevel <0|1|2>           default 1
/Output [<...>]

                            - BULK-COPY -

/MaxBcpThreads                     default 1
/BcpBatchSize                      default 100000 (rows)
/RowDelimiter <...>
/FieldDelimiter <...>

                            - HREPL BULK-COPY -

/HRBcpBlocks                       default 50
/HRBcpBlockSize                    default 64 (KB)

                            - MISCELLANEOUS -

/PublisherDeadlockPriority <-10..10>   -5 - Low, 0 - Normal(default), 5 - High
/DistributorDeadlockPriority <-10..10> -5 - Low, 0 - Normal(default), 5 - High
/LoginTimeout                      default 15 (seconds)
/QueryTimeout                      default 1800 (seconds)
/PacketSize                        default 8192 (bytes)
/KeepAliveMessageInterval          default 300 (seconds)
/ProfileName <...>
/EncryptionLevel                      0 - No encryption (default)
                                      1 - Encrypt, trust server self-signed 
                                      2 - Encrypt, trust only signed 