This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the mciSendCommand API and ignores any MCI_STOP commands. MCI_STOP on Windows 9x has a relatively fast response time, but on Windows 2000 and Windows XP can take up to several seconds to respond. Applications that use this API in time-sensitive areas may experience performance issues.
This compatibility fix intercepts all of the LZ API calls and either increments or decrements the handles so that a valid ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to ExitWindowsEx, waits for DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, and then moves the contents ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the CreateIcon API and zeros the alpha channel in lpbXORbits. This has the ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the GetWindowLongA API and redirects them to the GetWindowLongW API to get ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the mciSendCommand API and ignores any MCI_STOP commands. MCI_STOP on Windows ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls made to the MessageBox API and adds MB_SETFOREGROUND style. This effectively forces ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the CreateWindow, DialogBox, and CreateDialog routines in order to ensure that ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the MessageBox API and, based on the supplied command line, prevents the message ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the RegisterClass API and changes the brush type to HOLLOW_BRUSH. This prevents ...