%1 (%2) %3Database %4 has lost %5 committed log files (%6-%7), however lost log resilience has allowed ESE to recover this database to a consistent state, but with data loss. Recovery could only locate log files up to %8. Details: Log directory: %9
Data value cannot be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow. For example, conversion would have ...
Data value cannot be set or retrieved because the field data type was unknown, or the provider had insufficient resources ...
Data width of the physical memory, in bits. A data width of 0 and a total width of 8 would indicate that the memory is solely ...
Database %4 cannot be incrementally backed-up. You must first perform a full backup before performing an incremental backup. ...
Database %4 has lost %5 committed log files (%6-%7), however lost log resilience has allowed ESE to recover this database ...
Database %4 requires log files %5-%6 in order to recover all committed data. Recovery could only locate up to log file: %7, ...
Database %4 requires logfile %5 created at %6 in order to recover successfully. Recovery found the logfile created at %7. ...
Database %4 requires logfiles %5-%6 (%8 - %9) in order to recover successfully. Recovery could only locate logfiles up to ...
Database %4 requires logfiles %5-%6 in order to recover successfully. Recovery could only locate logfiles starting at %7. ...