You must have administrator privileges on the selected server. If your current user account does not have administrator privileges on the selected server, click Specify User Account below.
You must enter a fully qualified user name such as 'machine\user' or 'domain\user', or a User Principal Name such as '[email protected]' ...
You must have a linked online ID before you can securely connect to home media over the Internet. After you link an online ...
You must have a qualifying %14license AND a Volume Licensing %12 upgrade license, or a full license for %12 from a retail ...
You must have administrator privileges on the selected local server. If your current user account does not have administrator ...
You must have administrator privileges on the selected server. If your current user account does not have administrator privileges ...
You must have Administrator privileges to change the handwriting recognizer. For assistance, contact your system administrator. ...
You must have administrator privileges to install or rollback this software. Please contact your system administrator for ...
You must have at least %lu KB of free space on the drive containing your temporary files to run self-update. You must exit ...
You must have AVS enabled the first time you build from a component download folder. Click on the advanced options button ...