Count of by-reference lob values that were used. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost of passing them by value.
Could not upgrade the metadata for database '%1!s!' that is enabled for Change Data Capture. The failure occurred when executing ...
Could not write a checkpoint record in database ID %1!s! because the log is out of space. Contact the database administrator ...
Could not write value 2 to key 3]. { System error 4].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your ...
Couldn't generate a grants rights script for the specified user. Rights can be assigned by hand later or you can select only ...
Count of by-reference lob values that were used. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to avoid the cost ...
Count of large object (LOB) values that were passed by reference. By-reference lobs are used in certain bulk operations to ...
COUNT=1= Set , EXCLUDEEMPTY | INCLUDEEMPTY]=Returns the number of tuples in a set, optionally including or excluding empty ...
Counter target could not add package "%1!s!" to the list of packages to count. Events from this package will not be counted. ...
Counting attribute members may take several minutes to complete. To supply member counts manually, close the wizard and modify ...