For security, you should require the recipient to use a password to connect to your computer. Do not use your network Windows login password.
For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that you set a password that the recipient must use to connect to your computer. ...
For security reasons, Windows can not synchronize with the server because your date does not match. Please fix the date and ...
For security reasons, Windows Server 2003 family's Network Monitor captures only network traffic (frames) sent to or from ...
For security, you can lock your display whenever you leave your computer by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and clicking Lock Workstation. ...
For security, you should require the recipient to use a password to connect to your computer. Do not use your network Windows ...
For the best experience using the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard, you will want to connect your two computers together. ...
For the following authentication methods, user name and password are required when: - anonymous access is disabled, or - ...
For the Local intranet zone, the security level is set to Medium-Low, which allows your user credentials (name and password) ...
For the operation to be completed, the user needs to logoff and relogon. Couldn't log the user off. Error - %s. Please logoff. ...