Upgrade Advisor analyzes any SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2000 components that are installed and identifies issues to fix either before or after you upgrade to SQL Server 2008 R2.
Updating permission setting for registry key failed to open registry subkey: {1} in registry hive '{0}'. Examine if this ...
Updating permission setting for wmi namespace '{0}' failed. Principal '{1}' was tried to be added to the wmi namespace permission ...
Updating permission setting for wmi namespace '{0}' failed. The wmi namespace permission setting was supposed to be set to ...
Upgrade adds columns to the following backup and restore history tables: backupfile, backupmediafamily, backupmediaset, backupset, ...
Upgrade Advisor analyzes any SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2000 components that are installed and identifies issues to fix ...
Upgrade Advisor analyzes your existing SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 instances to provide assistance ...
Upgrade Advisor cannot locate the SQL Server 2005 Integration Services files that it requires to analyze packages. The installation ...
Upgrade Advisor could not connect to the database server specified in the registry. The database server must be running to ...
Upgrade Advisor could not detect SQL Server components on the server. Please check if current user has the privilege to access ...