Could not add article '%1!s!' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and reinitialize the active subscriptions.
Coordinates of the map area. The Shape property determines how many coordinates are required to correctly draw the shape. ...
Copying log backup files. Primary Server: '{0}', Primary Database: '{1}', Backup Source Directory: '{2}', Backup Destination ...
CORRELATION=1= Set , Numeric Expression , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the correlation of two series evaluated over a set. ...
Could not add article '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this ...
Could not add article '%1!s!' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and ...
Could not add column information to the cdc.captured_columns system table for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!'. Refer to previous ...
Could not add column information to the cdc.index_columns system table for the specified index for source table '%1!s!.%2!s!. ...
Could not add filter '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and ...
Could not add filter '%1!s!' because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force this and ...