Revocation options apply to non-archived certificates only, unless you have also selected the Revoke archived certificates option.
Review the active administrators in the list, and as appropriate, deactivate their privileged sessions, or un-assign them ...
Review the administrators in the list and their need for role activation. Ensure that the role activation interval is suitable. ...
Review the administrators in the list, and as appropriate, un-assign them from the Global Administrator role, and assign ...
Review this list of privileged roles that exist in your directory. Select each role to see permanent or eligible users in ...
Revocation options apply to non-archived certificates only, unless you have also selected the Revoke archived certificates ...
RevokerEmail has revoked access to ContentName on RevocationDateTime_Value TimeZone], with the following message: DT_RevokeUserMessage ...
Right now your child has access to apps that are not published by Microsoft. These third-party apps may collect information ...
Rights Management could not find a user or a group with that email address or display name. Check to ensure you have entered ...
Rights Management service requires a user interface to complete this operation, however %ws is trying to complete this operation ...