It appears this partition (%1) failed to get completely created. This cross-ref (%2) is dead and should be removed from the directory.
isn't available in Windows Store, so Start can't share a link to it. Try sharing any app that's available in Windows Store. ...
It appears as though arguments have been included in the Program text box. Do you want to run the following program: {0} ...
It appears that the following line in the BOOT.INI file does not refer to a valid operating system: "%s" Would you like to ...
It appears that Windows did not install properly. If you cannot continue Windows setup upon restart, please contact a support ...
It appears this partition (%1) failed to get completely created. This cross-ref (%2) is dead and should be removed from the ...
It appears this partition (%1) has an empty replica set. This partition should be re-instantiated on the last replica to ...
It contains the version of Windows that you are using. Formatting this volume could cause your computer to stop working. ...
It could not be determined whether this account is an administrator account. The password for this account should be manually ...
It could not be determined whether this account is an computer account. If this is not a computer account then the password ...