Cannot update an instance of class %1 using a representation of an instance for class %2; please provide a representation of an instance for class %1.
Cannot uninstall this device because its descendants refused the request. This can happen if the device's descendants are ...
Cannot unlock the page array for the guest operating system memory address because it does not match a previous lock request. ...
Cannot unprotect message. The input contained no encrypted content. Specify the '{0}' parameter if you wish to output the ...
Cannot update %1!s! value of %2!s! key. The first DWORD in the Data section contains the error code and the second DWORD ...
Cannot update an instance of class %1 using a representation of an instance for class %2; please provide a representation ...
Cannot update replication settings for virtual machine '%1' because planned failover is in process for the virtual machine. ...
Cannot update replication settings for virtual machine '%1' because the replication provider returned an error. Review the ...
Cannot update the memory settings for the virtual machine '%1' because the new settings would result in an invalid number ...
Cannot update the memory settings for the virtual machine '%1' because the new settings would result in an invalid number ...