To check the consistency of version ID numbers for owners in the WINS database. Syntax: check version Server=]IP address ...

To check the consistency of version ID numbers for owners in the WINS 
        check version [Server=]IP address [[File=]File name] 
        Server         - IP address of the start WINS server. 
        File           - Name of the file to store the index to IP 
                         address table.  
Notes:         If the name of the file provided for File= tag is 
               invalid, the FileName is set to Wins.rec in the current 
               directory. You might also need to increase the width of 
               the command window to make it wide enough to view 
               the table correctly.  
Example:       check version 
               This command is used to verify the version number 
               consistency of the records for a WINS server of IP 
               address at its replication partners.