The computer name is blank or it contains invalid characters. Try typing it again. Invalid characters include: spaces, tabs, ; : < > * + = \\ | ? ,
The computer name %2 contains one or more non-standard characters. Standard characters include letters (A-Z, a-z), digits ...
The computer name attribute of a recovery password record is in unknown format. Make sure you have the most current version ...
The computer name cannot contain only numbers, cannot be the same as your user name, and cannot contain spaces. Please retype ...
The computer name is blank or it contains invalid characters. Try typing it again. Invalid characters include: spaces, tabs, ...
The computer name is blank or it contains invalid characters. Try typing it again. Invalid characters include: spaces, tabs, ...
The computer name {0} contains illegal characters. A computer name can consists of the following standard characters: letters ...
The computer name {0} contains nonstandard characters. A computer name can contain a combination of the following standard ...
The computer needs to be restarted to finish preparing a hard disk for restore. To continue, restart your computer and run ...
The computer object for this computer was not found in Active Directory Domain Services, possibly because of Active Directory ...