NET PRINT displays print jobs and shared queues. For each queue, the display lists jobs, showing the size and status of each job, and the status of the queue. \\computername Is the name of the computer sharing the printer queue(s). sharename Is the name of the shared printer queue. job# Is the identification number assigned to a print job. A computer with one or more printer queues assigns each print job a unique number. /HOLD Prevents a job in a queue from printing. The job stays in the printer queue, and other jobs bypass it until it is released. /RELEASE Reactivates a job that is held. /DELETE Removes a job from a queue. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time.
NET HELPMSG displays information about Windows network messages (such as error, warning, and alert messages). When you type ...
NET LOCALGROUP groupname /COMMENT:"text" /DOMAIN groupname {/ADD /COMMENT:"text" | /DELETE} /DOMAIN groupname name . {/ADD ...
NET LOCALGROUP modifies local groups on computers. When used without options, it displays the local groups on the computer. ...
NET PAUSE suspends a Windows service or resource. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service Is the service to be paused. ...
NET PRINT displays print jobs and shared queues. For each queue, the display lists jobs, showing the size and status of each ...
NET SESSION lists or disconnects sessions between the computer and other computers on the network. When used without options, ...
NET SHARE makes a server's resources available to network users. When used without options, it lists information about all ...
NET SHARE sharename sharename=drive:path /GRANT:user,[READ | CHANGE | FULL /USERS:number | /UNLIMITED /REMARK:"text" /CACHE:Manual ...
NET START BROWSER starts the Browser service. The Browser service supports browsing computers on the network and being browsed ...