Select the records you want to apply the default email settings to. The default settings are defined in the Email tab of the System Settings dialog box.
Select the positions to add to the forecast. These positions are independent of one another and are maintained separately. ...
Select the price calculation method to determine the price as a function of cost. This field is only relevant for expense ...
Select the primary document and any related documents for the new template. You can also specify whether to publish and collect ...
Select the profile for the users imported from Active Directory. The profile defines the Role Center, amongst other default ...
Select the records you want to apply the default email settings to. The default settings are defined in the Email tab of ...
Select the reporting currency for the ledger and enter the exchange rate to use to convert amounts from the ledger accounting ...
Select the security rules to be applied to budget plans. Select the financial dimension set to be used when drilling into ...
Select the severity of the message for fulfillment violations. Error stops the release, Warning shows a message but allows ...
Select the source documents and accounting journals that are subject to budget control. You can also select specific document ...