!values,finance_rate,reinvest_rate!!Returns the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows, considering both cost of investment and interest on reinvestment of cash!is an array or a reference to cells that contain numbers that represent a series of payments (negative) and income (positive) at regular periods!is the interest rate you pay on the money used in the cash flows!is the interest rate you receive on the cash flows as you reinvest them!
value1,value2,.!Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of its arguments, evaluating text and FALSE in arguments as 0; TRUE ...
value1,value2,.!Returns the largest value in a set of values. Does not ignore logical values and text!are 1 to 255 numbers, ...
value1,value2,.!Returns the smallest value in a set of values. Does not ignore logical values and text!are 1 to 255 numbers, ...
values,dates,guess!Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows!is a series of cash flows that correspond ...
values,finance_rate,reinvest_rate!Returns the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows, considering both ...
values,guess!Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows!is an array or a reference to cells that contain ...
Verify that data refresh is enabled for the trusted file location and that the workbook data authentication is correctly ...
Verify that each of the columns listed below is associated with the correct data type. If a column is associated with an ...
Visual Basic macro modules are now edited in the Visual Basic Editor, not the workbook. To see your modules, click Visual ...