Specifies how job sales prices are calculated if you change the Currency Date or the Currency Code fields on a job planning Line or run the Change Job Planning Line Dates batch job. Fixed LCY option: The job prices in the local currency are fixed. Any change in the currency exchange rate will change the value of job prices in a foreign currency. Fixed FCY option: The job prices in a foreign currency are fixed. Any change in the currency exchange rate will change the value of job prices in the local currency.
Specifies how frequently the system checks supply-demand events to discover if the item on the demand line is available on ...
Specifies how gaps in historical data are filled. Options: numeric value, MEAN, PREVIOUS, INTERPOLATE LINEAR, INTERPOLATE ...
Specifies how general ledger accounts will be adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations between LCY and the additional reporting ...
Specifies how job costs are calculated if you change the Currency Date or the Currency Code fields on a job planning Line ...
Specifies how job sales prices are calculated if you change the Currency Date or the Currency Code fields on a job planning ...
Specifies how long customers took to pay invoices in the last three months. This is the average number of days from when ...
Specifies how many assemble-to-order units on the sales order line need to be assembled and handled in warehouse documents. ...
Specifies how many assemble-to-order units on the sales order line remain to be assembled and handled in warehouse documents. ...
Specifies how many assembly components have been reserved for this assembly order line. The components are in the base unit ...