Office Graph Integration relies on server-based SharePoint integration. To use this feature, enable server-based integration and have at least one active SharePoint site.
OCI support does not appear to be installed on your client. You need to install OCI to use the OCI features of Microsoft ...
OData property names are generated by replacing non .Net identifier compliant characters, such as the period character, with ...
ODBC support does not appear to be installed on your client. You need to install ODBC to use the ODBC features of Microsoft ...
of the %1.2 named '%1.4' cannot be %4 since it would cause a cyclic parent chain - the %1.2 named '%1.4' as 'parent' of the ...
Office Graph Integration relies on server-based SharePoint integration. To use this feature, enable server-based integration ...
Offline capability isn't supported in Windows 7 or lower and 32-bit versions of Windows. Please upgrade to a compatible version ...
Offline capability isn't supported in Windows 7 or lower and 32-bit versions of Windows. To continue, we'll upgrade you to ...
Offline capability isn't supported in Windows 7 or lower and 32-bit versions of Windows. We'll upgrade you to Dynamics 365 ...
Offline data storage and synchronization are not supported on this version of Android. You must ensure that all your operations ...