The '%{name/}' object cannot be processed with the specified bindings (the structure of the internal objects would be changed). An ALTER statement can be used to change the bindings before processing.
The '%{modelname/}' model cannot be loaded from the persisted file. The file is either damaged or in a format that is not ...
The '%{Name/}' mining structure column has a prediction qualifier. Prediction qualifiers, such as PREDICT or PREDICT ONLY, ...
The '%{name/}' mining structure or model has sibling models and cannot be processed alone with out-of-line bindings. The ...
The '%{Name/}' name does not uniquely identify the mining model or mining structure. Try to qualify this name by prefixing ...
The '%{name/}' object cannot be processed with the specified bindings (the structure of the internal objects would be changed). ...
The '%{name/}' structure does not contain bindings to data (or contains bindings that are not valid) and cannot be processed. ...
The '%{name/}' structure is created from a PMML model. This processing option cannot be applied to PMML-based structures. ...
The '%{object/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled using SQL Notification and therefore its source cannot be a named ...
The '%{object/}' partition has proactive caching enabled using SQL Notification. Therefore its source cannot be a named query. ...