Create a message to display to users who are logged on to the remote computer, such as a system maintenance notification.
Crawling of documents was stopped. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product ...
Create a Failed Request Event Buffering rule. When the path is not specified, enables "*". When the areas are not specified, ...
Create a link from the "{0}" GPO in the {1} domain to the Active Directory container with the LDAP path "{2}". Set the following ...
Create a link from the GPO with ID {0} in the {1} domain to the Active Directory container with the LDAP path "{2}". Set ...
Create a message to display to users who are logged on to the remote computer, such as a system maintenance notification. ...
Create a namespace to make shared folders located on multiple servers appear as a single tree of folders. To increase redundancy ...
Create a new 24-hour schedule. 1. wsrmc /Create:Sched /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Sched /PolInt /St: /Dur: ...
Create a new Calendar Event 1. wsrmc /Create:Cal /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Cal /Pol: | /Sched: /Freq: ...
Create a new site "My New Site" with the binding, and autogenerate the site id. The new site has no applications after creation. ...