%11SMS CI Assignment has been directly deleted from the site Database. Deletion of collection may cause the deletion of all the CI Assignments assigned to that collection. It is not recommended directly deleting CI Assignments from the site database, to verify this deletion was due to Collection delete review the CI Assignment Manager and Collection Evaluator Logs.%12%0
Site System Status Summarizer successfully accessed the "%1" database on SQL Server "%2".%12 Possible cause: The database ...
Site System Status Summarizer successfully accessed the transaction log for the "%1" database on SQL Server "%2". The transaction ...
SMP Control Manager detected SMP is not responding to HTTP requests. The http error is %1.%12 Possible cause: IIS service ...
SMP Control Manager detected SMP is not responding to HTTP requests. The http status code and text is %1, %2.%12 Possible ...
SMS CI Assignment has been directly deleted from the site Database. Deletion of collection may cause the deletion of all ...
SMS Executive could not start this component because it could not determine the address of the ThreadMain() function exported ...
SMS Executive could not start this component because it could not load \"%1\" using the MFC AfxLoadLibrary() function.%12 ...
SMS Executive detected that this component stopped unexpectedly.%12 Possible cause: The component is experiencing a severe ...
SMS Executive is scheduled to start this component now, but cannot because it is already running. Possible cause: The component ...