License plate %1 is associated with work, which has additional work steps besides the current pick/put step. However, cancelling these steps is not allowed on the mobile device menu item.
License plate %1 has work lines that are part of a Containerization flow. Consolidating such license plates is not currently ...
License plate %1 is associated with load %3, while Target license plate %2 is associated with load %4. Both license plates ...
License plate %1 is associated with shipment %3, while Target license plate %2 is associated with shipment %4. The shipments ...
License plate %1 is associated with work of type %3. Target LP %2 is associated with work of type %4. Consolidation of license ...
License plate %1 is associated with work, which has additional work steps besides the current pick/put step. However, cancelling ...
License plate %1 is in location %3 in warehouse %4. Target license plate %2 is in a different location %5 in warehouse %6. ...
License plate %1 is not set as Target license plate on any work orders. It is only currently supported to merge license plates ...
License plate control must be disabled for the default location and default return location when Use warehouse management ...
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ...